8th Grade Exam in English - Planning Revision, Schedule

Next month is the mock exam in English, therefore we prepared a schedule that can help you plan your revisions.

Each week there is defined the area of vocabulary to revise, grammatical constructions, tenses and other parts.

We think that it is manageable to find one day a week to revise and study English! Of course, you can change the subjects, adjust the schedule as you please - delete or put things you want to revise.

It's a good idea to thick the subjects you are comfortable with.

Feel free to fill the blanks.

Take the schedule, adjust and print. Enjoy your successful revision program!

A link to download printable pdf with the schedule:


A link to download the excel file which you can edit:


Schedules are written in Polish.

Here is a picture of the schedule:

Click to enlarge
# Egzamin ósmoklasity  język angielski # egzamin 8-klasisty # plan powtórek do egzaminu
