
by Michał Moskwa 8h

 Australia was discovered in XVI century by Portuguese, but they weren't interested in this land. The first person who explored the east Australian coast was called James Cook. 

He came there in 1768. He named that place New South Walece and annexed it to UK. James Cook discovered also New Zeland and New Caledonia. Unfortunately he was killed by the tribes. Nowadays Australia is a democratic modern country. About 24 million people live in Australia. 

The biggest Australian city is Sydney. Over 5 million people live there! A lot of unique species live there for example kangaroos, koala bears, platypus and more! 

People in Australia we call informall "Ausies", they have an accent that is much different than what we know.

Listen to Ausie accent with actreess Margot Robbie:

The biggest fence in the world is located in Australia 
 Indigenous Australian people are Aborigines, they were there 50000 thousand years ago! 

The word "selfie" comes from Australia 

Burger King in Australia is called Hungry Jacks. 

 In Australia live about 60 different species of kangaroos! 

And one last fact Australian people have REALLY slow internet! 
