Holy Week in Malaga

Palm Sunday - Domingo de Ramos

On Palm Sunday, children are the foremost figures in the morning procession of the La Pollinica fraternity. In the afternoon you can witness an unusual view in the district of La Trinidad, the Brotherhood of Health or la Hermandad de la Salud your throne is from the church on your knees! And finally, one of the most anticipated moments, the exciting raising of the Brotherhood of Prendimiento. All this in the rhythm of piercing traditional music.

Lunes Santo

El Cautivo, or Jeniec, is one of the most worshiped paintings by the people of Malaga, Monday is the day of "Lord of Malaga" (señor de Málaga), his throne leaves the district of la Trinidad. Behind the throne with the image of Christ, the Melilla infantry regiments are parading. This picture makes an impression, the more so if we add to the top white and red carnations thrown before the procession. It is also not surprising to see a multitude of believers crowding behind the throne and making various oaths. Another procession worth a visit is the one from Christians of the Gypsies, or El Cristo de los Gitanos, which with the accompaniment of Gypsy singers comes out of the centrally located church - Iglesia de los Mártires. It is also pleasing to look at the throne carried by students in the procession organized by the University of Malaga.

Martes Santo

Martes Santo is a day where special attention is attracted by the part of Malaga known as la Victoria. Especially eye-catching are its colorful processions, the one from Jesus (Jesús de El Rescate) with yellow and burgundy tunics or the one organized by la Cofradía de la Sentencia. Also pay attention to the march of the Virgin El Rocio, often called fiancée or the bride of Malaga, because she is dressed all in white. Tuesday is also the moment when Our Lady of Sorrows (la Virgen de las Penas) presents her blanket of flowers flowing from her arms, leaving the intoxicating scent of cypress and white carnations. This is the hallmark of this brotherhood.

Great Wednesday - Miércoles Santo

In the middle of Holy Week, we can enjoy watching the march of no fewer than four throne brotherhoods Fusionadas. From the district of Capuchinos comes the throne of the Salesian Brother, with one of the heaviest thrones during the Malagasy Easter celebrations. It takes 280 men to lift it. A very characteristic march is the release of white pigeons. Another event typical of the Great Wednesday is the release of a prisoner from the prison in Malaga. This formal ceremony takes place at Plaza de la Aduana, where the Nazarene (figure of Christ) gives a blessing to the freed. The prisoner is usually masked, participates in the procession as a sign of gratitude.

Holy Thursday - Jueves Santo

Jueves Santo with brotherhoods: Mena, Esperanza or Misericordia is probably the most exciting and interesting day of the entire Holy Week in Malaga. In the morning, thousands of people gather in the port - Muelle Uno, to enjoy one of the most typical moments for the Malagasy Easter - landing on the land of Legion's forces. Proud, straightened legionaries accompany their Christ from Good Death (Cristo de la Buena Muerte) while singing the hymn: El Novio de la muerte, which in free translation means the fiancée of death. Participation in this performance is a real privilege.

Good Friday - Viernes Santo

Friday is a day of silence, you can basically breathe in the atmosphere of sadness and depression, especially taking part in the procession of Christ from the Holy Sepulcher (Cristo del Santo Sepulcro). During the crossing there is undisturbed silence, only the sounds of the funeral march are heard. In addition, you can also see the march of one of the smallest thrones of the Easter celebrations - Servitas. During its passage, city lights are turned off, it is a very emotional moment.

The great week in Malaga ends with the passage of the Resurrected - El Resucitado, on the morning of Easter Sunday. This is the most colorful and positive procession of the whole week because Christ is accompanied by representatives of all the Malagia brotherhoods.

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