Jokes for your cracker

During Christmas time in Britain people share crackers. They are small paper tubes which two people need to pull. They open with characteristic crack. Hence the name. The person who pulles bigger part wins. 

Inside there are:

-small paper crown which you have to wear
- a little toy
- candy
- a joke

If you would like to make a cracker follow this instruction in the video.

Here are some ideas for a joke you can put inside:

1.Teacher: Maria please point to America on the map.
    Maria:    This is it.
   Teacher: Well done. Now class, who found America?
   Class:     Maria did!

2.     What does a cleaning lady do on the stage?

3.     What are the transformers doing after the party?
They make up a taxi.

4.     Why did the volcano get five?
Because he was active.

5.     Why the stool has depression?
Because there is no support.

6.     How do mathematicians drink?
For power.

7.     What is the favorite fruit of a soldier?

8.     Who likes lemonade the most?

9.     What does a computer science say after marriage?
Downloading completed.

10. What is the favorite computer engineer chocolate bar?

3 bit.

by Maja Winnicka 8E
