Gdańsk landmarks: Neptune

Neptune Fountain in Gdańsk

Fot: Karol Labuda 8D
 The historic Neptune Fountain in Gdańsk is one of the symbols of the city, known to every Pole. 
The famous fountain stands in front of the beautiful Artus Court next to the town hall on Długa Street. 

Neptune sculpture was made by Abraham Van den Blocke in the early 17th century. Neptune- god of the seas and oceans, faced the Royal tenement houses where the rulers resided during his visit to Gdańsk. His head is deliberately facing these tenement houses. 

The water in the fountain flows mainly through the trident held in Neptune's right hand and sea horses standing at the edge of the fountain. 
During World War II the fountain was destroyed but it was quickly repaired. 

The last renovation of the sculpture came at the turn of 2011/2012 years. Presently it looks great and almost every tourist passing by  takes a picture with it.
Zuzanna Łangowska  8H
